Monday, 10 December 2012


     WOHOOOO~ Yesterday, we went to watch a movie in Alamanda!!! Finally! All this while, I’ve been trapped in the house.. huhu.. my mom’s busy with her work and my dad had a back problem.. So he can’t move much..  So, my daily routine was to clean the house and a ‘date’ with my best friend; my lappy…

     We watched this movie called ‘The Life of Pi’.. I thought it was boring at first.. But I was wrong. This was the second movie my mom managed to NOT sleep in a cinema.. (The first one was Step Up Revolution.. Step Up??? Yeah.. that’s right.. After all those movies in cinema that we watched including Harry Potter, Narnia and much much more,  this movie was the first one to succeed..!) Truthfully, I cried a couple of times throughout the movie.. Especially the part when *****.. OOPS.. I can’t tell you.. I hate to spoil the movie.. watch it yourself! Haha

My movie ticket

Congratz Dear Cousin!!

     Two days ago, my cousin had a wedding ceremony. He married kak Alia.. Congratz!! This year, both of my aunt’s sons got married. The first was Abg Man.. He was the second son but he got married first compared to his brother Abg Im.. Abg Man studied in Russia while his wife, Kak Wani studied in Egypt..  
      Hmm.. Somehow, by watching them, I felt like I wanna get married at that moment..but I know that marriage isn’t a child’s play. We need to be fully prepared because of the huge responsibility. Plus, it needed a lot of money.. The ‘hantaran’. ‘bunga telur’, the gown, hall and etc. sure costs a lot.. Not to mention the three layered cake!! 
     Hmm.. I really hope to find a responsible husband someday.. (Not now of course..) I still have a looong way to go.. I’m only 18, going 19 this January. … I have about five years of study.. I needed to achieve my dream to be a successful accountant. I want to be successful in order to help people someday.. I feel sad to watch my people faces hardships especially because of money.. I wish someday, I’ll be successful enough to own a lot of money and help people. Of course I need to have a strong heart. People will lots of money usually forgets their responsibility to the society. I don’t want to be like that.. My biggest dream is to help people. But without money, I won’t be able to do anything. So, I had to work hard in my studies.. Ganbaru!!! Study>Work> Marry.. Wohoo~ Seems easy.. BUT we can only plan, Allah decides what’s best for us..  O Allah, please guide me to your way.. Never ever let me go astray. Please…

Abg Im and Kak Alia

Thursday, 29 November 2012


     Wow.. seems like i haven't been updating my blog for a looooong time.. the last time was when i had my first class in INTEC.. but now, it's already one month after the end of semester 1!!! Sorry my dear blog.. I was sooo busy that I forgot that u actually exist. Hmm.. I'll try to recall my time's during sem 1 and tell you, but I'll do that later.. Right now, I wanna continue to watch BLEACH!!!! I hadn't watch anime for years and now i'm starting to watch bleach!! I am so in love with Kurosaki Ichigo but, the character that i love most is NOVA!!! OMG.. He's so cute..



First lesson much?? (11/7/12)

     Okay. So today, we (A-level students especially) had our first class. I’m in this class called AL10EA4.. To make it simple;class 4 for economics and accounting students. Thankfully, my class starts at 10.10 a.m. every Wednesday (only) and ends at about 3.50 p.m (every day except Friday). As today was my first class, I went early today to accompany my friend, Nadia (who’s class started at 8) So, I woke up at 4.45 a.m. and took my shower. I really need to wake up early in order to be the first one to use the bathroom.

     After Subuh, we hopped on the bus and reached campus at 7a.m.. Hungrily, we ate breakfast at the Ausmat cafĂ©. Here, we seriously spend a lot of money just on food. *sigh (elaun..oh elaun..) Then, while waiting for our class, we went to the library. Intec’s library is SOOO cool! For a person who loves book like me, this place is like Disneyland~ haha (exaggerate much??) I can stay here for hours.. It’;s really comfortable to study.. ade byk giler meja plus ade wifi~ hoho *evil laugh

     Then at 10.10 p.m., we had our pure math class followed by math statistics.. we did nothing much.. just a little bit of intro’s bout ourselves and the subject. And…that’s all for today!! Our physics class at 2 was cancelled so we had no more class 4 today.. best giler! Dah la stat lambat, habis plk awal giler~ So, after I bought lunch (money~ sob..sob..), we went back to our apartments. I ate my lunch, alone. Huhu.. My housemates are still at the campus.. So, write now, I’m bored.. Nothing much to do.. Hmm.. better sleep.. Ok. Chalja!

Tour Around Shah Alam (7/7/12)

     Today is Saturday. Most of the students in INTEC went home as it was the first week but I decided to stay here with Falisha and Nadia. I planned to go to Mid Valley with Falisha today. Nadia can’t join us though. She got ‘other’ things to settle. So, Falisha and I arrived at Mid Valley at about 12 or so~

     Oh, in case you’ve never been to Mid Valley using a commuter, let me tell you something. Once you reach there, there would be people who’ll wait for you there. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a BAD omen. Haha.. Just kiddin. These people here would target people especially students or ‘young’ people to buy their stuffs. Okay. Truthfully selling stuffs to help promote handmade products are good, of course.. But these people here FORCE us to BUY their products in a HARSH way. If you wanna know what I mean, just try to go there. You’ll know IF they’re still there. Well, until today, I know that they’re still there cause I’d just met them. But this time, I’m prepared. So, I managed to escape.

     So, we went to Mid Valley and watched ‘Men in Black 3’. At first, I thought it was boring. I was wrong. It’s a really nice movie. The truth was revealed in this movie. I just love when they have happy endings.

     Then, we went back to our apartment cause we don’t know what else to do there. (nothing much to do there~). At night, Kak Ina (Nadia’s sister-in-law) brought us out to eat outside (dah bosan dah makan kat kedai kawasan tu..) and took us on a tour around Shah Alam. Phew~ Quite a long day.. Even so, I enjoyed it.

New Life in INTEC..

     Lots of things happened this week. I’m opening a new book in INTEC. This was what I wished for. Before this, I thought that I didn’t passed the MARA interview.. Because when I was in Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor, my friend checked for me and said that I didn’t pass. Broken-hearted, I tried to think positively.. Maybe it was the best for me. But then, my mom checked again for me days later and thankfully, I got it!! And to add in to the happiness, I got this program, kerjasama jpa-mara.. It’s a program not under Mara but under JPA. So, to conclude, I’m under the JPA scholarship not under MARA (loan).. Alhamdulillah..

     So, now, here I am.. in INTEC, a preparation place before we fly overseas. I’m taking A-level UK , accounting. INTEC is really wonderful, you know. I mean, we have everything here. One apartment have two bedrooms with two beds each. So we have about 4 people living together. We have a bathroom, pantry, study tables, sofa etc. We can bring iron, kettle, toaster and rice cooker but NO refrigerator or television are allowed. Even though we have to pay RM 10 for every electric appliance per semester, but still, it’s worth it. I live in Kolej Akasia (most of the girls are here).. There’s everything around here. Restaurants, Mydin, Giant etc.  Just name it. So, it’d be easy to buy stuffs.

     The orientation week- AMAZING! FANTASTIC! FUN! Hihi.. The seniors here are Super Cool! I mean, they’re really nice.. Totally. They never scold us (maybe a little) during the whole orientation week. They helped us a LOT! Thanks PM!! (Don’t get me wrong.. It’s not the Prime minister, it’s Pembantu Mahasiswa). And I really love my Group! Go Cobra!!

     I met a lot of new friends here (ramai giler sampai nama smua org pun x ingat) and and also my old friends! Including from MOZAC and also from Sarawak (miss them soooo much!) And also, I have new friends as my housemate. Truthfully, me and my friends from MOZAC had already planned to register together in order to be in the same apartment.. but then, my dad told me to go inside first and wait for them there. Dah smpai sne tu, tetibe akak2 tu suruh terus tulis and daftar cepat2 sbb xnk nanti berterabur pulak bile dh ramai yg smpai nnty.. So, in the end, we got separate apartments. (mule2 tu memang bengang giler. Sbb dh ckp dh kat abah kne tggu dulu diorg baru g sne.. tp abah suruh tggu gak kat sne.. Last2 x same rumah ngan diorg..  Tp, lame2 terime gak hakikat yg kne stat hidup bru kat tmpt baru..  But I really had a hard time.. I mean, I got a roommate from N. Sembilan.. Ktorg mmg x sekepala.. Minat dua2 lain.. I love kpop but she REALLY hates them.. She loves to hear music out loud in the room but I prefer to hear it using headphones. Even though we had A LOT of differences, I believe that one day, we can accept each other. (#positive mind!)

     So, that’s how my first week in INTEC.. There’s nothing much though.. We went here and there around INTEC in order to get used to the place. Now, I’m ready for next week.. I hope that I’ll do well in my studies here.. Fighting!

Day 20 (4/3/12)- Sayonara Japan~

     Today’s my last day and I woke up on a really comfy bus. I woke up only once; to take my wudhu and perform Subuh prayer on the bus.. Then, I dozed off again. We reached Shinjuku at about 7 a.m. It’s still early and the shops were mostly closed.

     We walked through the cold morning to the train station. We bumped into Kak Bib and the gang; waved a little and continued our separate ways. After several minutes finding the coin locker, we finally found it. The coin locker was amazing.! I’d never been attached to stuffs like this before, but trust me, it’s totally cool! ^.^

     Because my sis was hungry, we found a Japanese restaurant. You see, bad things kept on happening to me when I eat at a Japanese restaurant. Not really bad BAD.. It’s just, I often failed to finish it because the bowl was too large for me and I’m forced to finish it because my sis would say “You have to finish it.. The Japanese people hate people who doesn’t finish their food..blablabla” So, in the end, I won’t be showing any happy face and my stomach felt like exploding.. But this time, I managed to finish the food.. (with the help from my sis of coz..)

     Then, we decided to go to Asakusa (again). The last time I went there, I didn’t get the chance to buy anything. So, today, I got plenty of time. I browsed through all of the shops there. I found this cute umbrella with the shape of a Japanese girl.. Quite unique.. I bought it as a souvenir for Farouq’s mom.. I owe her a lot..

     After that, we went back to Shinjuku, had a little tour around, then went to Haneda Airport by train.  We reached there at about 6-7 p.m. but my flight will be at about 10 or so~ So I had to wait for quite a long time..

     While waiting, we met this one person from Malaysia; Kak Amirah (if I’m not mistaken). She’d been in Japan for about 7 years, I think. She told her about all her experience in Japan. I love to hear her stories especially the part when she experienced Tsunami herself (the recent one with the nuclear factory issues). She also told us how well the Japanese people reacted to the situation.

     The Japanese people, even in situation like this, they even queued in order to take a taxi to go back home from work. The train system can’t function due to safety reasons. So you could imagine how many people needed to use the taxi. Plus, to make things worse, the town ran out of petrol. Still, they waited patiently for their turn. When I heard that, I was like…Wow~ (respect giler)

     After a while, the others (Kak Bib and the gang) came. We prayed inside this room for babies (glad there wasn’t one at that time) and boarded the plane. So, with that, I’m officially leaving Japan.Aww.. I’m gonna miss this place.. seriously. One day, I’ll make sure to come here again. Sayonara~ 

Day 19 (3/3/12)- Treasuring my last moments

     I woke up at 10 today, as usual. Kak Bib had already woken up at that time, she was cooking. After my sis finished taking her shower, I took mine.

     After that, we went to the coin laundry shop. Shop? I don’t know what to call it. We can wash and dry our clothes there. It’s very convenient. We had to walk to that place as it wasn’t that far from our place. Maybe some people would wonder why we needed to use the coin laundry service and not wash our own clothes. Well, it’s because the washing machine hadn’t arrived yet, that’s why.

     Then, we walked to this big Toys R Us shop to buy stuffs. We can’t actually wait for our laundry doing nothing. Owh.. When I say Toys R Us, I’m not saying bout the shop that sells toys. Well, of course it’s a toy shop.. but I’m talking about the shop below the Toys R Us.. It sells stuffs. My sis bought this soft carpet that she wanted to put in her bedroom. Then, we went to the store next to it. I remembered buying an ice cream, c.c. lemon and fruits. We ate all of em while waiting for the laundry.. washing the clothes is one thing, we had to try them up too.

     After half of the clothes were dried, we gave up and went back home. Then, that evening, we went out again for the last shopping in Toyama.. My sis took me to this 2nd hand shop but the stuffs were really cool and it kinda look brand new to me. My money (I mean my dad’s money) finished just like that. (not all of them) I bought loads of stuffs; most of them were clothes. To cut short, in a blink of an eye, my money went ‘puff’!

     Then, we went back to the shopping mall that I’ve been for a few times but still can’t remember the name.. We stopped at Daiso because my sis wanted to buy her house stuffs.. (I noticed that I really love to say the word stuffs.. haha) And because it was too big, we had to send it back to the car.. and guess what?? We couldn’t find the car! We went through the wrong exit and searched..and searched.. my feet felt numb and I can’t feel my hands because it was freezing outside.. So, we went back inside, trying to find the other exit and..voila! There it was! Thank god we’d found it. I really can’t imagine what to do if we couldn’t find the car. I had a bus to catch at 11.59p.m… 11.59?? Yup.. Every minute counts.. and trust’ll depart on time.

     Anyway, we went back inside and prayed at the parking lot at the topmost floor. Then, ate at Poprin’s; a shop where they sold big ice cream.. It’s heaven for ice cream lovers if u ask me (that includes me) We ordered ice cream and spaghetti each.. yummy~

     At about 8, we went back home and I started! because by 11, we need to move. While I was trying to stuff up my bag,we skyped home. Then, my sis’s friends started pouring in. All of em had joined the usrah so I recognized them; Kak Saff, Kak Anum, Kak Asma, Kak Wana and Kak Ieyla.. Kak Zarina, who came to stop by the night we were preparing for the feast, also came. I didn’t pay much attention to them cause I was busy packing my stuffs.

     I took my last shower at about 10.30 p.m. and when I finished, I got scolded again by my sis because I accidentally switched off the main switch that connects her computer as I had mistaken it for the iron’s wire. (Get it?? Nevermind..) And to add to the bad luck, I hurt my hand because of the sharp edge at my luggage bag and it was bleeding.. a lot.. aigoo~

     We went to the bus station along with the people who will be going for jaulah in Indonesia (Kak Bib and friends) I’m pretty glad that they’ll be in the same flight as mine. They boarded their bus first because their ticket was a bit earlier than mine. We went on the Sakura bus and at 11.59p.m., we’re off to Shinjuku~

Day 18 (2/3/12)- Feast! Bon A Petite~

     Everybody woke up late today. I mean after we prayed Subuh, we went back to sleep. When I woke up at 11, my sis was already in the bathroom. The others (Kak Bib, Kak Diha and Kak Akmal) haven’t woke up yet. I don’t know at what time they slept last night. I slept early last night. The last thing I remembered was covering myself with the blanket because the aroma of the beef was a REAL pollution for my nose. (I’M NOT A FAN OF BEEF~)

     Anyway, after I took my shower, I helped with the cooking. Throughout the whole evening, all we did was cook. I helped cutting the cabbage and carrots. My sis made roti jala. There was also beef curry, bubur kacang merah, vegetables, ayam masak kicap and belacan.

     We kept on cooking until it was time for Maghrib. Oh, Kak Zarina (Kak in’s senpai) came in the evening to help out. I stopped helping a little bit earlier and started reading a new novel, ‘Sayangku Casper’ by Mazni Anita. After Isyak we went to the surau.

     At the surau, I met Luna; one of the senior’s cat. It’s pretty cute regardless of the age. My sis told me she’s pretty old (cat age). Kak Bib, my sis and I played with it for a while before helping to serve the food.

     Later, Kak Syu, Kak Fahmey and Kak Nadia (I think), Kak Akmal and Kak Mek came.. The ladies ate at one side of the surau while the guys ate at the other side. I ate in the same ‘dulang’ as Kak Akmal and Kak Bib.. It felt good tonight.. Eating together with them made me felt closer to them; not like the first time I met them. There’s an awkwardness.. But not tonight.. Plus, I ate A LOT! Kak Akmal had baked a tiramisu cake and it’s delicious! Hope that one day I can learn from her how to make one. ^.^

     After the meal, there’s a cleaning session.. After that, we sat down and had a chat; getting to know more about each other. Then, we had a group photo..

     When we reached home (after we sent Kak Diha and Kak Zurina home), I watched a Korean Drama with my sis until 12.45 midnight called Wild Romance. I’m treasuring each moment here. 2 more days and I’m off on a plane back to Malaysia. I’m feeling sad already. There’s still a lot to learn from here. I’m gonna miss everything; including the work ethics, how they serve the people. Even at the gas station this evening, the guy that worked there really gave a good service. I was really touched by the people here~

Day 17 (1/3/12)- Preparation for the small feast~

     It’s already March.. 4 days to go before I went back to Malaysia. Aww~ I love Japan. I will miss the feeling of being here.. After years of dreaming to come here, it’s finally time to go back to reality.

     I woke up at 10 today.. because the hot water won’t work unless the gas man arrive. (which will be this evening.) So, I didn’t took my shower today.. (Ssshh~ it’s a secret) I brushed my teeth and washed my face. About my face, it became worst. On my forehead, there was about at LEAST 10 pimples.. not the small one. The big, red one and it hurts a lot. Most of the people wouldn’t understand how I felt because their faces are clean, not like mine. I really hope that someday, it’ll cure.. I’m afraid of my own face sometimes…

     I didn’t do much today.. I wore my lens today and it’s much easier than yesterday. Then, I helped with a few things. Other than that I played games on my phone. I was really bored, you know.

     At about 5.30 p.m, we went out to watch Kak Diha’s ‘happyou’ (presentation). But, we arrived late, so we missed hers but I did get to see the other two Malaysians did their presentation.

     After we went back home and prayed, we went out to eat okonomiyaki. It’s kind of a Japanese pancake. I ordered ‘tako’ okonomiyaki.. (octopus). We cooked it ourselves.. I ate A LOT..

     After all that eating, we picked up Kak Akmal and went to ‘Donkey Hatei’ to buy a few groceries for tomorrow’s small feast at the surau. We stopped by at the surau to buy chicken (halal) and borrowed the ‘kuali’ etc.

     Owh.. at ‘Donkey Hatei’, I finally found a headphone!! Although it’s not that fancy, at least I have one. Alhamdulillah~

     When we reached home, kak in the others started cooking while I went to bed.. It’s not like I don’t want to help them cook. THEY told me to sleep early cause I’m still a KID (according to what they said lah~) Dah ade org offer untuk tido awal tu, terime jelah.. haha 

Day 16 (29/2/12)- New house with great view

     “ Bangun..bangun.. kemas barang..” Huh? What time is it? It’s only 9.50 a.m. Awww~ I sat up for a while, trying to regain my energy. Then as usual, I took my shower.. Then, as I was arranging my things, my sister started to order me around. First, she said that I had to vacuum. Then, she added to wash the dustbin and dried them up outside. Then, cook lunch, then, pack up other things that were left unpacked. Wow! So, while she was out to send stuffs to her new house, I did all of that.. phew~ T.I.R.E.D..

     When she returned, we loaded a few things and went out to Sushiro.. It’s meal time! Then, we went straight to the new house. I helped to carry her things up to the 3rd floor! Plus, we parked the car way too far. (penat giler)

     That evening, we did nothing but cleaning the new house. Oh, fyi, the view from my sister’s room was really AMAZING! Daebak! We can see the mountains from here. Toyama’s mountains are really not like the usual mountain in Malaysia. It’s like the one that we normally see on the mineral water bottle; the one with snow. Subhanallah.. This was the most beautiful scenery I’d ever seen so far in Japan.

     After the internet man came in the evening, we went to the 100 yen shop to buy a few things.. Oh, before that, I started to wear lens today.. It was really hard at first because I’m not used to wearing it. But I know that it’ll be fine in a couple of days.

     Then, we went back to the house for the last cleaning session.. I ate the leftover lunch and ice-cream (we need to clear the fridge) Then, we loaded a few things (not all of them couldn’t fit in the car). We went to the house and carried things UP the stairs.. OUCH~

     Kak Diha invited us to go out and eat sushi..again. (2nd time today) So, off we go to Hamazushi. We ate..and ate..and ate.. until I’m full. The night went on at Hamazushi where we talked about our past..about unit uniforms, politics, etc

     After eating, we went back to the house to carry the last things that were left. Then, we went to the gas station to fill up the ‘toyu’ (the oil for heater). And then, again, to the new house..again, carry HEAVY thing UP the 3rd floor.. Tired~

     That night, we cleaned the house and arranged the things until about 2 a.m. and then went to bed..frustratedly.. because before that, my sis asked me whether I’d seen her retainer and I said that I’d put it in the same plastic that I put all the shampoo and other toilet stuffs. The one that Kak Bib had ‘kemas’. So, before I went back to bed, I asked her whether she had found it or not. Then she said,” Belum..tak payah nak sibuk ar.. Tido je”. I only asked because I care. When she said that, I was like, WHAT THE?? OK. FINE~ Why do I have to care.. #bengang giler time tu..

Day 15 (28/2/12)- Moving stuffs

     Huh? Where am I? The moment I woke up, I was confused because the room was a mess! Then my sister said,” Bangun..kemas.. nk pindah barang” Oh.. that’s why.. it’s only 9.50 a.m.. Still early.. haha.. just kiddin.. that’s what happened when you’re used to wake up late.

     Today, nothing much happened.. I took my shower and helped to pack up things.. carry it into the car and such.. For lunch, we just ate yesterday’s meal with Kak Bib. The ikan masak kicap that I cook! Hehe.. While waiting for Abg Iku (my sister’s senpai), I watched nigahiga at youtube. (hilarious!)At about 2 p.m, he came.

     Abg Iku helped to carry heavy stuffs.. (bed+tables)..and a friend came to help for the 2nd trip. While they were busy carrying the stuffs, I stayed home.. I listened to my mp3 to prevent feeling bored.

     Abg Iku’s friend thought that I was my sister’s sister..Get it? To cut short, I look older..He said that my sister looked younger than me. Well, I don’t know whether I should be happy or proud or sad. I felt a little sad though.. but I didn’t show it. I just laughed. Of course.. who won’t be sad if someone said that you look older than your ELDEST sister? Maybe it’s because my face is full of pimples and I look a lot more matured..but still…do I look that old?? Hmm.. Never mind..I know that one day, someone that was meant for me would notice that I’m prettier in his eyes.. (Aiceh men..) InsyaAllah~ With that, I know that he loves me sincerely.. not just by looking at my looks.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Day 14 (27/2/12)- Aargh!!!

     12.15..again.. wow, I'm really getting used to waking up late.. haha.. just kiddin.. I took my shower and prayed Zuhur.. oh.. when I said that I woke up at 12.15, it doesn't mean that I didn't prayed Subuh.. I slept back, that's why..

     Anyway, I was arranging my stuffs when out of the blue, my sister asked me to cook lunch.. What?? I don't even know how!! I mean, I'm still learning... Anyway, I was thinking of cooking fish curry but she said she had already eaten curry yesterday. So, she suggested that I cook fish with soy sauce (ikan masak kicap).. Great.. How should I know how to cook that?? Hmm.. So, I tried cutting the fish first.. OMG! The water from the pipe was damn cold.. seriously.. my hand hurts.. Never knew that cold water can be really painful.. and to make things worst, I don't know which one was the soy sauce.. Hello~ this is Japan! Everything's different.. And I can't even read the labels!

     With hesitation, I threw in the ingredients.. my sis came to help with the soy sauce and voila! My first dish in Japan: ready.. But still, I got the vegetables to prepare. I asked her if she ate the stalk (batang) or not.. then she replied "Of course.." So, I cut it big.. but then, she said, "potong la kecik2!! Mne ade org mkn besar camtu! So I replied, "Manalah atin tau..atin kan jarang makan sayur.." (Oops.. Kantoi sudah).. and then she replied, "patutlah banyak jerawat..~".. yeah.. I admit that I HATE to eat vegetables but at least I had the effort to try and eat them.. I admit that my face is not as clean as hers.. I admit that my face is full of pimples and scars.. people around me usually talk about my full-of-pimples face.. So, I'm kinda used to it.. but it doesn't hide the fact that I hate it when they do that.. yeah...I know that I'm not that pretty as them, but they don't have the right to judge my face.. It's not like I'm the one who wanted my face like this.. Allah did this for a reason.. but I know and I believe that it'll cure someday. It takes time and I had to be patient.

     As I was cutting the vegetables, maybe because I was so slow and she's hungry, she said, " Lambatlah! Potong sayur pun lambat..tepi!" So, in the end, she did it herself.. I don't know why she's always saying mean things to me.. But if she's with her friends, wow! She totally transformed into an angel.. *I'm rollling my eyes*

     For example, yesterday, when she went out to send Kak Sarah and Kak Atiqah to the station, she left her laptop switched on because when she comes back, we would watch Little Mermaid 2 together.. My mp3 ran out of battery so I charged at her computer. When she came back, something went wrong with her computer.. The sound won't come out..even the music can't be played. And so, I was the one to be blamed..

     She said “ Kalau dah restart balik pown still tak boleh, ni smua salah atin!” WHAT??? She accused me because she said that I might have done something to her laptop or maybe it was because my mp3 had virus or something.. But then, when she restart the computer, everything went back to normal.. So it wasn’t my fault after all.. but, she didn’t apologize for her accusation towards me.. Aigoo.. What a sis..

     After lunch, we went out to a shopping mall.. Kak Fahmey went with us. There, we went to this restaurant that sold EXTRA LARGE ice cream.. I bought one normal-sized caramel sundae.. yumm~ I also bought a lot of things at the 100 yen shop and also a t-shirt at the place where I perform my Maghrib prayer (inside the changing room).

     On our way back, we stopped by at Mbak’s house, an Indonesian family.. She had three children; Natasya, Kiki and Ubai. They were still small and Natasya is the eldest. I got really jealous because Natasya can converse in Japanese really well.. Well, maybe it’s because she went to the school here.. duhh..

     We reached home at about 9. We watched Lemonade Mouth (great movie) while eating hotdogs with cheese on top and strawberry with milk.. Then, I arranged my stuffs and went to sleep.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Day 13 (26/2/12)- Separate Ways~

     I woke up when I felt someone shook me slightly.. I'm not sure what time it was cause my watch and hand phone ran out of battery. I was kinda blur at first, trying to remember where I was..because the night before, I dreamt about my old school.. So, I was kinda confused because I was surrounded by unfamiliar faces.. But as seconds passed, things started to make sense. I remembered about coming here yesterday..

     So, we prayed Subuh and recited Al- Mathurat before Kak Z. continued her tazkirah yesterday. Then, we packed our things out of the room and went for breakfast. At about 8.50 a.m., we started our next slot.

     We played games first. A weird game actually.. Everyone had to pick one question from the box and answer it. We had two rounds and my questions were " What is the first thought that came to your mind when you hear about Malaysia?" and "What is the most favourite dish that you love from your mom's cooking?" It's a game that helps you to know one's personality better I guess.. Well, through this game, I know that I learnt one thing.. My sister shows her love for her siblings by BULLYING them.. hmm.. interesting.

All the seniors I met..
Kak Saff
      Then, we had the 'tafsir' session again by Kak Atiqah and current issues (Palestine and Syria) from Kak Sarah. After a while, Kak Nad took over and shared with us about Tafsir Fi Zilalil Quran. After all of that was over, we finally had to say our goodbyes..that is, after lunch. We took one last picture together and went on our separate ways~

    It felt good to be back home. In the evening, Kak Sarah and Kak Atiqah, who had been staying at Kak Diha's house (before returning to Tokyo tonight), came to visit us for a while but Kak Atiqah went back early as she was tired but Kak Sarah stayed.. she eventually ended up sleeping until Maghrib. Well, as for me, I finished reading Hlovate's novel (finally!) and took my shower.

     For dinner, we decided to eat outside together at Kashmir, a Pakistan's restaurant. Together; me, my sis, Kak Diha, Kak Akmal, Kak Mek, Kak Sarah, Kak Atiqah and Kak Bib... It felt soo good sbb meriah giler!
I ordered Cheese naan and chicken kalahari..

Cheese Naan and chicken Kalahari
      With a full stomach, we went back home. Before I went to sleep, I watched Little Mermaid 2.. haha (x de keje)..


Day 12 (25/2/12)- New friends~ (^^,)

     Today's journey was kinda different. I woke up for Subuh first and went back to sleep.. After a few nightmares or should I say 'morning'mares, I finally woke up at 10.20 or so~
     I took my shower and waited..and waited.. waited for my sister to come back. she said she went out for a while but I don't know for what purpose.. While waiting, I read Hlovate's book.Again.(still hadn't finished) and I don't know why I'm being so helpful; I helped my sister with the laundry. After a while, she came back and told me that she'd helped a few of her friends to go to the usrah place first.. Oops! Forgot to mention bout that. I'll be joining a programme for two days; starting from today.

     So, we went straight to Kak Diha's house and prayed Zuhur there while she was busy preparing her things.Then, we dropped by Kak Ayu's house..seems like there's a little feast though I don't know for what occasion..but at least I got to eat my breakfast + lunch there.. I managed to meet her friends there.. Kak Fahmey, Kak Ayu, Kak Syu, Kak Mek, Kak Akmal and I can't seem to remember the other one. Kak Ayu  lives in Japan (she's not a student). She has 2 kids, one to-be-born baby, and a Chinese/Japanese-looking husband.

At Kak Ayu's house
     The food was DELICIOUS! I ate roti canai (homemade) and the fried chicken..yummy.. There was also nasi kerabu (blue rice) but I don't have the courage to eat that one. It looks weird~

     After all the eating, we went straight to the usrah's place. They called the programme 'Daurah at Toyama'.
My first impression about the place: WOAH~ The place was covered with snow.. I mean, literally white, just like in the movies.

Walking towards the entrance
All covered in snow

The entrance
     Kak Saff was the first person that I met. She led us to the room. I was really nervous because I'm the youngest there and I felt like an intruder barging in cause all of them are students studying in Japan, and I'm just a visitor.

     But when I saw these people's faces, I felt relieved The atmosphere didn't feel too intense. The first slot was about the meaning of Surah Al-Adiyat.. It was really interesting because Kak Atiqah Zailan explained it clearly.. Then we had a game. We had self-intro's first and we had to mention our favourite colour.. Then, we were divided into two teams. I was in team 1. The game went like this: A curtain was placed, dividing the 2 teams. Each team must submit one person in front of the curtain. Then, when the curtain falls, the quickest person to guess the other representative's favourite colour wins. It was really frustrating for me at first because I can't possibly remember all of their favourite colour at once! So, in the end, our team lost..

     After the game, we prayed first and had a short 'tazkirah' by Kak Z. Though it was short, it left great meanings. She reminded us about this heart disease that most human have. EGO.. yup.. I had that.. A BIG one actually.. When I was in MOZAC, I got easily frustrated when my friends won't even listen to my advice when it comes to " jangan couple.. couple tu kan HARAM.." What Kak Z. said really kept me thinking.. We can't expect people to change when we told them to..the 'hidayah' comes from Allah.. Why should I be sad? Was I any better than these people? When I get frustrated, it shows that I really THOUGHT that I was better than them because I don't do those 'couple' thingy.. Now THAT is ego.. The feeling when you're thinking that you're better than someone is NOT GOOD.. It can ruin your 'iman'..

     After the session, we had dinner. Although it was pretty delicious, my stomach felt like it will burst anytime. The food quantity was a bit too much for me but I can't waste it.. Not in front of these good people here.. So, like it or not, I cramped in all the food.

The menu for today..
      Then, we were divided into smaller groups. I had a session with Kak Sarah about "Interaction with Al-Quran".. Because we finished early, we camped around the 'Dumbo' (heater) and watched YouTube on Kak Sarah's phone.

While waiting for the others to finish,
 I took a photo of this mountain goat..
Scary + cute~
    When all the groups had finished, we recited Al-Mulk and had a sharing session on what we had experienced today or what we wanted to share. It was a very heartwarming moment as everyone had their own stories to share and the others listened. I like that feeling.. It felt like umm.. a big family.. At about 11, we started making our own beds and slept. It was a long day but I was satisfied.

Preparing my bed~
I thank Allah for giving me such great opportunities to experience things like these~


Sunday, 24 June 2012

Day 11 (24/2/12)- AEON in Japan (0.0)

     I woke up first today. something to be & to be NOT proud of.. It's a good thing that I woke up 'early'. Earlier than my sister that is. The fact: I woke up 10 minutes to 12 noon.! Crazy?? Yeah.. You could say that.. I really don't know what gotten into me these days..Aigoo~

     After shower, I prayed and ate yesterday's food + my very own dessert.. yumm.. delicious ^.^ It's very easy to make. I just had to add in milk..and voila! A strawberry flavoured pudding~

     Then, Kak Diha asked us to go out with her. So at 2.30 p.m., we went to AEON (Jusco in Japan) a.k.a J.J.. It triggers memories you know..cause I used to go outing at Jusco during my school days~ huhu (I'm not a school girl anymore) We went to Daiso (100 yen shop) and I brought some stuffs for me and friends.. Then we prayed Asar in the changing room again. I'm gettin used to this method.. 

The parking lot was full with snow..
I nearly slipped..
I'm at the AEON!!

     Anyway, after that we went to a shop where they sell electrical stuffs.. I didn't buy anything though.. only Kak Diha did.. but still, I got something in my mind that I wanted to buy.. a headphone. It would be easy for me to hear song when I'm wearing my scarf (tudung). but then, there wasn't enough time so we had to go.. :( Bye bye headphone..~ We prayed at the parking lot then went on our way to AEON..

     The night went on. My sister got hungry so we decided to go back to AEON to eat. On our way back to AEON, we saw this big sign board of a shop that says 'food court'.. Happily, we went to the parking know.. "food court"?? it mean's there's food.. the weird thing was, of course there's food.. uncooked food though..*sigh. It's umm..kind of a supermarket. In Malaysia, when it says 'food court', it means there are cooked food.. I guess maybe different countries have different ways to interpret the terms..

     At AEON, we ate at a french restaurant, "Capricciosa".. we ate a crab pasta and seafood pizza..

Kak Diha (left) and my sis (right)
Me (left) and Kak Bib (right)

Crab pasta
Seafood pizza
     On our way back home, we stopped by at Kak Akmal and Kak Mek's house. They'd just moved to the new house so I was just butting in to say hello~

Day 10 (23/2/12)- I'm Doomed! (-_-#)

     The tension in the air because of yesterday's fight lessened a bit when she took me to karaoke with her. It was raining so I borrowed her blue umbrella (the small type, the one that we can fold and it has a cover). So, I walked happily, though I'm not excited to sing (x pasal2 lagi lebat karang hujan turun..) I was having a sore throat, not in the mood to sing, but I sang anyway.. For 2 hours! And there was only a few English songs, the rest were all in Japanese.. (nasib baek la ade blaja basic jepun.. klau x, mmg bosan la weiyh.. x dpt nak nyanyi pape..)

Walking through the rain
     I had a really good time, but it didn't last long. Remember the blue umbrella that I borrowed from my sister?? Yeah.. the cover was missing. I was pretty sure that I'd put it on the table but I guess it had fallen off because it wasn't there before we went out of the karaoke room. And, the worst part was that I only realised the fact that it was missing when I reached home...
     Before I continue my story, let me explain a bit bout my sister. She really HATES it when people can't take good care of her stuffs. I mean, I hate it too but at some point, she reacted too much, you know. For example, I borrowed this one novel from her. Then, I accidentally ruined the BOOK MARK.. I repeat, the BOOKMARK.. not the novel.. (terkelepet sikit je kowt..bukan nye hancur jadi belacan pown..) But then. she got really angry, changed into HULK (women version, as if), and used profane words at me.. (Ape la! BOD**! x pndai jage brg org! $%#@!! and $#@%!!) and in the end, she told me to buy the sequel for the novel that I borrowed.. WHAT THE??? So, get what i mean?? (if u're reading this sis, sorry.. I'm just telling the truth..don't get mad.. PEACE NO WAR..hihi)

Hulk!! (I can't find the woman version
though).. Hahs!
     So, you could guess how I ended up that day.. She did not scold me like she used to though.. But we had this kind of a cold atmosphere between lasted the whole evening.. *sigh* So, I ended up reading the "Contengan Jalanan" and playing games on my phone while listening to mp3.. My sis was busy doing her homework at first, but she eventually ended up sleeping until Maghrib.
     After maghrib, she cooled down a bit. We ate dinner as we watched 'How to train your dragon' (it's my third time) before she shooed me away from her. So, that's how my day ended. I went to sleep early that night. *sigh again*

How to train your dragon

Day 9 (22/2/12)- Sushi ^.^

     I woke up really late today..Again. Because I overslept, my head hurts + dizzy.. haha.. yay me~ I took my shower and then dressed up, ready to go out.. My sister brought me to the sushi shop!! I ate A LOT.. 6 plates of sushi, 1 peach juice and 1 vanilla ice cream.(my stomach hurts after that) Umm.. But, guess what? My sister ate about 3x more than me.. Wow.. is she even a human?? haha.. just kiddin..  then, we went out to buy stuffs.. (food,shower gel, etc)
Salmon sushi
Can't remember what this is..

hmm.. *something* fry..
ta..ta..takoyaki..  the outside is cheese
sauce while the inside is octopus
     Owh.. before that, while we were on our way to the sushi shop, I saw children playing snowball fight. It's nice to see that they enjoyed themselves.. even the teacher played too. (I was just guessing that he was the teacher.. He looked WAY to old to be a school kid)
     After shopping, we went back home and I continued reading "Contengan Jalanan".. Until Maghrib. Then I recited Yassin with my sister before watching one of Studio Ghibli's movies, Arrietty. After the movie ended, my sister showed me a lot of You Tube's artists and their songs.. Sam Tsui, Kurt Hugo, Maddi Jane, etc. Can't remember all of them..
One of Studio Ghibli's production
     At a bout 11, we had umm... kinda supper.. Naan Cheese.. haha.. Not really good if you're on a diet. We ate while watching Fruits Basket (an anime) ep 6. Then *(sigh), I had a small fight with my sister that TOTALLY spoiled my mood.. I always get in a fight with her bout small and petty things. I'm not going to explain the details..the thought about it just makes me angry.. (-_-#)

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Day 8 (21/2/12)- Laze around much??

     One word. AMAZING. That was the first thought that came to my mind when I stepped out of the bus. All I saw was snow. Thick, blankets of snow. Everywhere. But it seems like the workers must had done a great job by shoveling it nicely at the side of the road, so that it would not block the way.

The first snow that I saw
Blankets of snow
    We waited for an hour for Kak Diha (my sister's senior) to pick us up at the bus station. Then, we went straight to my sister's house. I packed out a few things while my sister went to shovel the snow that was covering her parking area.. While she was busy with that, I ate maggi.. (I was STARVING man~)
The maggi that I ate
     Then, I took my shower and washed my clothes. After all that was done, I started reading Hlovate's "Contengan Jalanan". Not long after that, my eyes felt so heavy so I slept.. for 3 hours.. While I was sleeping, my sister's been settling things with the new house owner.
      I woke up with a start.. I had just remembered that I haven't prayed Zuhur yet and it's nearly Asar.. My sis still hadn't came back so I panicked. Why? Because I don't know where the kiblat is! Silly me.. I forgot to ask her before she went out! After a few minutes struggling with the new phone (borrowed my dads'), the attempt to call my sis failed.. I nearly gave up when the door suddenly opened..and there she is! Thank God.. Luckily, I made it just in time before Asar came.
     The rest of the day wasn't much of a thrill. I tried to read my email but her lappy was sooo slow.. I struggled 2 hours but I finally gave up on that.. After maghrib, we ate fish curry for dinner and watched Puss in Boots.. the movie was great.. hilarious I say..
     After the movie, we skyped home.. We talked to dad cause mum always slept. So that's how I ended my day. I still need to explore the new phone that dad gave me (I'm just borrowing it..)

Day 7 (20/2/12)- Toyama, Here I come!

     Waking up at 10.30 didn't made me feel any better. I had dreams last night but I can't remember what it was about. But my body felt tired.. Seriously.. My feet were swollen because I walked a lot these past few days. I read Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters for 20 minutes and then took my shower. ( I'm a BIG fan of Rick Riordan).Then, I started to pack my things. Tonight, I'll be going back to Toyama (my sister's place).

     Basically, I did nothing but read today. At 2 p.m., we went to the post office because my sister had to post a package back to Toyama. Then, we stopped by at a stationary shop selling cute stuffs. I intend to buy this one fancy notebook (I just love to buy notebooks) but I guess it would just make my bags heavier.

Chiba's sewer cover.. Every place has a
 different picture

The flower's near the train station
changes every season

Japanese people love to recycle
The houses in Chiba, Tokyo

     So, I walked back to the house and continued reading Percy Jackson until it was about 5 p.m. and slept just for a while before I prayed Maghrib. Then continued reading.......

     Before that, Kak Fatirah told us a story about a suicide case that happened at Midoridai Station (the station I used everyday). The person got hit by a train and got dragged (maybe) until it was around Kak Fatirah's area, that was about meters away (trust me, I walked to and fro everyday).. The body was shredded to pieces.. Eergh~ When she told the story, I felt the goosebumps.. Why would this people ever kill themselves??

The train station

     Okay, so that night, we were sweating like crazy.. Why?? Don't misunderstand.. It's not bout the suicide  story.. It's because we were running back and forth, crossing the roads in order to find the right bus. And after 45 minutes, we managed to find our bus!! (pheww.. so glad that we did.. I was about to cry because I can't stand the pain in my foot and arms anymore.. Hello!! I had to carry my 16kg of luggage bag!) At 11.25p.m., we departed.. Bye bye Tokyo.. 

The luggage on the right is mine..

     6 hours and 30 minutes on the bus made my body ached. I got the back seat and I can't see the front view. Bored and tired, I went to sleep. At 5.30 a.m. or so, we prayed on the bus.