Monday 10 December 2012


     WOHOOOO~ Yesterday, we went to watch a movie in Alamanda!!! Finally! All this while, I’ve been trapped in the house.. huhu.. my mom’s busy with her work and my dad had a back problem.. So he can’t move much..  So, my daily routine was to clean the house and a ‘date’ with my best friend; my lappy…

     We watched this movie called ‘The Life of Pi’.. I thought it was boring at first.. But I was wrong. This was the second movie my mom managed to NOT sleep in a cinema.. (The first one was Step Up Revolution.. Step Up??? Yeah.. that’s right.. After all those movies in cinema that we watched including Harry Potter, Narnia and much much more,  this movie was the first one to succeed..!) Truthfully, I cried a couple of times throughout the movie.. Especially the part when *****.. OOPS.. I can’t tell you.. I hate to spoil the movie.. watch it yourself! Haha

My movie ticket

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