Thursday 29 November 2012

Day 18 (2/3/12)- Feast! Bon A Petite~

     Everybody woke up late today. I mean after we prayed Subuh, we went back to sleep. When I woke up at 11, my sis was already in the bathroom. The others (Kak Bib, Kak Diha and Kak Akmal) haven’t woke up yet. I don’t know at what time they slept last night. I slept early last night. The last thing I remembered was covering myself with the blanket because the aroma of the beef was a REAL pollution for my nose. (I’M NOT A FAN OF BEEF~)

     Anyway, after I took my shower, I helped with the cooking. Throughout the whole evening, all we did was cook. I helped cutting the cabbage and carrots. My sis made roti jala. There was also beef curry, bubur kacang merah, vegetables, ayam masak kicap and belacan.

     We kept on cooking until it was time for Maghrib. Oh, Kak Zarina (Kak in’s senpai) came in the evening to help out. I stopped helping a little bit earlier and started reading a new novel, ‘Sayangku Casper’ by Mazni Anita. After Isyak we went to the surau.

     At the surau, I met Luna; one of the senior’s cat. It’s pretty cute regardless of the age. My sis told me she’s pretty old (cat age). Kak Bib, my sis and I played with it for a while before helping to serve the food.

     Later, Kak Syu, Kak Fahmey and Kak Nadia (I think), Kak Akmal and Kak Mek came.. The ladies ate at one side of the surau while the guys ate at the other side. I ate in the same ‘dulang’ as Kak Akmal and Kak Bib.. It felt good tonight.. Eating together with them made me felt closer to them; not like the first time I met them. There’s an awkwardness.. But not tonight.. Plus, I ate A LOT! Kak Akmal had baked a tiramisu cake and it’s delicious! Hope that one day I can learn from her how to make one. ^.^

     After the meal, there’s a cleaning session.. After that, we sat down and had a chat; getting to know more about each other. Then, we had a group photo..

     When we reached home (after we sent Kak Diha and Kak Zurina home), I watched a Korean Drama with my sis until 12.45 midnight called Wild Romance. I’m treasuring each moment here. 2 more days and I’m off on a plane back to Malaysia. I’m feeling sad already. There’s still a lot to learn from here. I’m gonna miss everything; including the work ethics, how they serve the people. Even at the gas station this evening, the guy that worked there really gave a good service. I was really touched by the people here~

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