Thursday 29 November 2012

Day 15 (28/2/12)- Moving stuffs

     Huh? Where am I? The moment I woke up, I was confused because the room was a mess! Then my sister said,” Bangun..kemas.. nk pindah barang” Oh.. that’s why.. it’s only 9.50 a.m.. Still early.. haha.. just kiddin.. that’s what happened when you’re used to wake up late.

     Today, nothing much happened.. I took my shower and helped to pack up things.. carry it into the car and such.. For lunch, we just ate yesterday’s meal with Kak Bib. The ikan masak kicap that I cook! Hehe.. While waiting for Abg Iku (my sister’s senpai), I watched nigahiga at youtube. (hilarious!)At about 2 p.m, he came.

     Abg Iku helped to carry heavy stuffs.. (bed+tables)..and a friend came to help for the 2nd trip. While they were busy carrying the stuffs, I stayed home.. I listened to my mp3 to prevent feeling bored.

     Abg Iku’s friend thought that I was my sister’s sister..Get it? To cut short, I look older..He said that my sister looked younger than me. Well, I don’t know whether I should be happy or proud or sad. I felt a little sad though.. but I didn’t show it. I just laughed. Of course.. who won’t be sad if someone said that you look older than your ELDEST sister? Maybe it’s because my face is full of pimples and I look a lot more matured..but still…do I look that old?? Hmm.. Never mind..I know that one day, someone that was meant for me would notice that I’m prettier in his eyes.. (Aiceh men..) InsyaAllah~ With that, I know that he loves me sincerely.. not just by looking at my looks.

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