Monday 10 December 2012

Congratz Dear Cousin!!

     Two days ago, my cousin had a wedding ceremony. He married kak Alia.. Congratz!! This year, both of my aunt’s sons got married. The first was Abg Man.. He was the second son but he got married first compared to his brother Abg Im.. Abg Man studied in Russia while his wife, Kak Wani studied in Egypt..  
      Hmm.. Somehow, by watching them, I felt like I wanna get married at that moment..but I know that marriage isn’t a child’s play. We need to be fully prepared because of the huge responsibility. Plus, it needed a lot of money.. The ‘hantaran’. ‘bunga telur’, the gown, hall and etc. sure costs a lot.. Not to mention the three layered cake!! 
     Hmm.. I really hope to find a responsible husband someday.. (Not now of course..) I still have a looong way to go.. I’m only 18, going 19 this January. … I have about five years of study.. I needed to achieve my dream to be a successful accountant. I want to be successful in order to help people someday.. I feel sad to watch my people faces hardships especially because of money.. I wish someday, I’ll be successful enough to own a lot of money and help people. Of course I need to have a strong heart. People will lots of money usually forgets their responsibility to the society. I don’t want to be like that.. My biggest dream is to help people. But without money, I won’t be able to do anything. So, I had to work hard in my studies.. Ganbaru!!! Study>Work> Marry.. Wohoo~ Seems easy.. BUT we can only plan, Allah decides what’s best for us..  O Allah, please guide me to your way.. Never ever let me go astray. Please…

Abg Im and Kak Alia

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