Sunday 24 June 2012

Day 10 (23/2/12)- I'm Doomed! (-_-#)

     The tension in the air because of yesterday's fight lessened a bit when she took me to karaoke with her. It was raining so I borrowed her blue umbrella (the small type, the one that we can fold and it has a cover). So, I walked happily, though I'm not excited to sing (x pasal2 lagi lebat karang hujan turun..) I was having a sore throat, not in the mood to sing, but I sang anyway.. For 2 hours! And there was only a few English songs, the rest were all in Japanese.. (nasib baek la ade blaja basic jepun.. klau x, mmg bosan la weiyh.. x dpt nak nyanyi pape..)

Walking through the rain
     I had a really good time, but it didn't last long. Remember the blue umbrella that I borrowed from my sister?? Yeah.. the cover was missing. I was pretty sure that I'd put it on the table but I guess it had fallen off because it wasn't there before we went out of the karaoke room. And, the worst part was that I only realised the fact that it was missing when I reached home...
     Before I continue my story, let me explain a bit bout my sister. She really HATES it when people can't take good care of her stuffs. I mean, I hate it too but at some point, she reacted too much, you know. For example, I borrowed this one novel from her. Then, I accidentally ruined the BOOK MARK.. I repeat, the BOOKMARK.. not the novel.. (terkelepet sikit je kowt..bukan nye hancur jadi belacan pown..) But then. she got really angry, changed into HULK (women version, as if), and used profane words at me.. (Ape la! BOD**! x pndai jage brg org! $%#@!! and $#@%!!) and in the end, she told me to buy the sequel for the novel that I borrowed.. WHAT THE??? So, get what i mean?? (if u're reading this sis, sorry.. I'm just telling the truth..don't get mad.. PEACE NO WAR..hihi)

Hulk!! (I can't find the woman version
though).. Hahs!
     So, you could guess how I ended up that day.. She did not scold me like she used to though.. But we had this kind of a cold atmosphere between lasted the whole evening.. *sigh* So, I ended up reading the "Contengan Jalanan" and playing games on my phone while listening to mp3.. My sis was busy doing her homework at first, but she eventually ended up sleeping until Maghrib.
     After maghrib, she cooled down a bit. We ate dinner as we watched 'How to train your dragon' (it's my third time) before she shooed me away from her. So, that's how my day ended. I went to sleep early that night. *sigh again*

How to train your dragon

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