Thursday 29 November 2012

Tour Around Shah Alam (7/7/12)

     Today is Saturday. Most of the students in INTEC went home as it was the first week but I decided to stay here with Falisha and Nadia. I planned to go to Mid Valley with Falisha today. Nadia can’t join us though. She got ‘other’ things to settle. So, Falisha and I arrived at Mid Valley at about 12 or so~

     Oh, in case you’ve never been to Mid Valley using a commuter, let me tell you something. Once you reach there, there would be people who’ll wait for you there. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a BAD omen. Haha.. Just kiddin. These people here would target people especially students or ‘young’ people to buy their stuffs. Okay. Truthfully selling stuffs to help promote handmade products are good, of course.. But these people here FORCE us to BUY their products in a HARSH way. If you wanna know what I mean, just try to go there. You’ll know IF they’re still there. Well, until today, I know that they’re still there cause I’d just met them. But this time, I’m prepared. So, I managed to escape.

     So, we went to Mid Valley and watched ‘Men in Black 3’. At first, I thought it was boring. I was wrong. It’s a really nice movie. The truth was revealed in this movie. I just love when they have happy endings.

     Then, we went back to our apartment cause we don’t know what else to do there. (nothing much to do there~). At night, Kak Ina (Nadia’s sister-in-law) brought us out to eat outside (dah bosan dah makan kat kedai kawasan tu..) and took us on a tour around Shah Alam. Phew~ Quite a long day.. Even so, I enjoyed it.

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