Monday 25 June 2012

Day 13 (26/2/12)- Separate Ways~

     I woke up when I felt someone shook me slightly.. I'm not sure what time it was cause my watch and hand phone ran out of battery. I was kinda blur at first, trying to remember where I was..because the night before, I dreamt about my old school.. So, I was kinda confused because I was surrounded by unfamiliar faces.. But as seconds passed, things started to make sense. I remembered about coming here yesterday..

     So, we prayed Subuh and recited Al- Mathurat before Kak Z. continued her tazkirah yesterday. Then, we packed our things out of the room and went for breakfast. At about 8.50 a.m., we started our next slot.

     We played games first. A weird game actually.. Everyone had to pick one question from the box and answer it. We had two rounds and my questions were " What is the first thought that came to your mind when you hear about Malaysia?" and "What is the most favourite dish that you love from your mom's cooking?" It's a game that helps you to know one's personality better I guess.. Well, through this game, I know that I learnt one thing.. My sister shows her love for her siblings by BULLYING them.. hmm.. interesting.

All the seniors I met..
Kak Saff
      Then, we had the 'tafsir' session again by Kak Atiqah and current issues (Palestine and Syria) from Kak Sarah. After a while, Kak Nad took over and shared with us about Tafsir Fi Zilalil Quran. After all of that was over, we finally had to say our goodbyes..that is, after lunch. We took one last picture together and went on our separate ways~

    It felt good to be back home. In the evening, Kak Sarah and Kak Atiqah, who had been staying at Kak Diha's house (before returning to Tokyo tonight), came to visit us for a while but Kak Atiqah went back early as she was tired but Kak Sarah stayed.. she eventually ended up sleeping until Maghrib. Well, as for me, I finished reading Hlovate's novel (finally!) and took my shower.

     For dinner, we decided to eat outside together at Kashmir, a Pakistan's restaurant. Together; me, my sis, Kak Diha, Kak Akmal, Kak Mek, Kak Sarah, Kak Atiqah and Kak Bib... It felt soo good sbb meriah giler!
I ordered Cheese naan and chicken kalahari..

Cheese Naan and chicken Kalahari
      With a full stomach, we went back home. Before I went to sleep, I watched Little Mermaid 2.. haha (x de keje)..


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