Tuesday 26 June 2012

Day 14 (27/2/12)- Aargh!!!

     12.15..again.. wow, I'm really getting used to waking up late.. haha.. just kiddin.. I took my shower and prayed Zuhur.. oh.. when I said that I woke up at 12.15, it doesn't mean that I didn't prayed Subuh.. I slept back, that's why..

     Anyway, I was arranging my stuffs when out of the blue, my sister asked me to cook lunch.. What?? I don't even know how!! I mean, I'm still learning... Anyway, I was thinking of cooking fish curry but she said she had already eaten curry yesterday. So, she suggested that I cook fish with soy sauce (ikan masak kicap).. Great.. How should I know how to cook that?? Hmm.. So, I tried cutting the fish first.. OMG! The water from the pipe was damn cold.. seriously.. my hand hurts.. Never knew that cold water can be really painful.. and to make things worst, I don't know which one was the soy sauce.. Hello~ this is Japan! Everything's different.. And I can't even read the labels!

     With hesitation, I threw in the ingredients.. my sis came to help with the soy sauce and voila! My first dish in Japan: ready.. But still, I got the vegetables to prepare. I asked her if she ate the stalk (batang) or not.. then she replied "Of course.." So, I cut it big.. but then, she said, "potong la kecik2!! Mne ade org mkn besar camtu! So I replied, "Manalah atin tau..atin kan jarang makan sayur.." (Oops.. Kantoi sudah).. and then she replied, "patutlah banyak jerawat..~".. yeah.. I admit that I HATE to eat vegetables but at least I had the effort to try and eat them.. I admit that my face is not as clean as hers.. I admit that my face is full of pimples and scars.. people around me usually talk about my full-of-pimples face.. So, I'm kinda used to it.. but it doesn't hide the fact that I hate it when they do that.. yeah...I know that I'm not that pretty as them, but they don't have the right to judge my face.. It's not like I'm the one who wanted my face like this.. Allah did this for a reason.. but I know and I believe that it'll cure someday. It takes time and I had to be patient.

     As I was cutting the vegetables, maybe because I was so slow and she's hungry, she said, " Lambatlah! Potong sayur pun lambat..tepi!" So, in the end, she did it herself.. I don't know why she's always saying mean things to me.. But if she's with her friends, wow! She totally transformed into an angel.. *I'm rollling my eyes*

     For example, yesterday, when she went out to send Kak Sarah and Kak Atiqah to the station, she left her laptop switched on because when she comes back, we would watch Little Mermaid 2 together.. My mp3 ran out of battery so I charged at her computer. When she came back, something went wrong with her computer.. The sound won't come out..even the music can't be played. And so, I was the one to be blamed..

     She said “ Kalau dah restart balik pown still tak boleh, ni smua salah atin!” WHAT??? She accused me because she said that I might have done something to her laptop or maybe it was because my mp3 had virus or something.. But then, when she restart the computer, everything went back to normal.. So it wasn’t my fault after all.. but, she didn’t apologize for her accusation towards me.. Aigoo.. What a sis..

     After lunch, we went out to a shopping mall.. Kak Fahmey went with us. There, we went to this restaurant that sold EXTRA LARGE ice cream.. I bought one normal-sized caramel sundae.. yumm~ I also bought a lot of things at the 100 yen shop and also a t-shirt at the place where I perform my Maghrib prayer (inside the changing room).

     On our way back, we stopped by at Mbak’s house, an Indonesian family.. She had three children; Natasya, Kiki and Ubai. They were still small and Natasya is the eldest. I got really jealous because Natasya can converse in Japanese really well.. Well, maybe it’s because she went to the school here.. duhh..

     We reached home at about 9. We watched Lemonade Mouth (great movie) while eating hotdogs with cheese on top and strawberry with milk.. Then, I arranged my stuffs and went to sleep.

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