Thursday 29 November 2012

First lesson much?? (11/7/12)

     Okay. So today, we (A-level students especially) had our first class. I’m in this class called AL10EA4.. To make it simple;class 4 for economics and accounting students. Thankfully, my class starts at 10.10 a.m. every Wednesday (only) and ends at about 3.50 p.m (every day except Friday). As today was my first class, I went early today to accompany my friend, Nadia (who’s class started at 8) So, I woke up at 4.45 a.m. and took my shower. I really need to wake up early in order to be the first one to use the bathroom.

     After Subuh, we hopped on the bus and reached campus at 7a.m.. Hungrily, we ate breakfast at the Ausmat café. Here, we seriously spend a lot of money just on food. *sigh (elaun..oh elaun..) Then, while waiting for our class, we went to the library. Intec’s library is SOOO cool! For a person who loves book like me, this place is like Disneyland~ haha (exaggerate much??) I can stay here for hours.. It’;s really comfortable to study.. ade byk giler meja plus ade wifi~ hoho *evil laugh

     Then at 10.10 p.m., we had our pure math class followed by math statistics.. we did nothing much.. just a little bit of intro’s bout ourselves and the subject. And…that’s all for today!! Our physics class at 2 was cancelled so we had no more class 4 today.. best giler! Dah la stat lambat, habis plk awal giler~ So, after I bought lunch (money~ sob..sob..), we went back to our apartments. I ate my lunch, alone. Huhu.. My housemates are still at the campus.. So, write now, I’m bored.. Nothing much to do.. Hmm.. better sleep.. Ok. Chalja!

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