Thursday 29 November 2012

Day 16 (29/2/12)- New house with great view

     “ Bangun..bangun.. kemas barang..” Huh? What time is it? It’s only 9.50 a.m. Awww~ I sat up for a while, trying to regain my energy. Then as usual, I took my shower.. Then, as I was arranging my things, my sister started to order me around. First, she said that I had to vacuum. Then, she added to wash the dustbin and dried them up outside. Then, cook lunch, then, pack up other things that were left unpacked. Wow! So, while she was out to send stuffs to her new house, I did all of that.. phew~ T.I.R.E.D..

     When she returned, we loaded a few things and went out to Sushiro.. It’s meal time! Then, we went straight to the new house. I helped to carry her things up to the 3rd floor! Plus, we parked the car way too far. (penat giler)

     That evening, we did nothing but cleaning the new house. Oh, fyi, the view from my sister’s room was really AMAZING! Daebak! We can see the mountains from here. Toyama’s mountains are really not like the usual mountain in Malaysia. It’s like the one that we normally see on the mineral water bottle; the one with snow. Subhanallah.. This was the most beautiful scenery I’d ever seen so far in Japan.

     After the internet man came in the evening, we went to the 100 yen shop to buy a few things.. Oh, before that, I started to wear lens today.. It was really hard at first because I’m not used to wearing it. But I know that it’ll be fine in a couple of days.

     Then, we went back to the house for the last cleaning session.. I ate the leftover lunch and ice-cream (we need to clear the fridge) Then, we loaded a few things (not all of them couldn’t fit in the car). We went to the house and carried things UP the stairs.. OUCH~

     Kak Diha invited us to go out and eat sushi..again. (2nd time today) So, off we go to Hamazushi. We ate..and ate..and ate.. until I’m full. The night went on at Hamazushi where we talked about our past..about unit uniforms, politics, etc

     After eating, we went back to the house to carry the last things that were left. Then, we went to the gas station to fill up the ‘toyu’ (the oil for heater). And then, again, to the new house..again, carry HEAVY thing UP the 3rd floor.. Tired~

     That night, we cleaned the house and arranged the things until about 2 a.m. and then went to bed..frustratedly.. because before that, my sis asked me whether I’d seen her retainer and I said that I’d put it in the same plastic that I put all the shampoo and other toilet stuffs. The one that Kak Bib had ‘kemas’. So, before I went back to bed, I asked her whether she had found it or not. Then she said,” Belum..tak payah nak sibuk ar.. Tido je”. I only asked because I care. When she said that, I was like, WHAT THE?? OK. FINE~ Why do I have to care.. #bengang giler time tu..

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