Sunday 24 June 2012

Day 11 (24/2/12)- AEON in Japan (0.0)

     I woke up first today. something to be & to be NOT proud of.. It's a good thing that I woke up 'early'. Earlier than my sister that is. The fact: I woke up 10 minutes to 12 noon.! Crazy?? Yeah.. You could say that.. I really don't know what gotten into me these days..Aigoo~

     After shower, I prayed and ate yesterday's food + my very own dessert.. yumm.. delicious ^.^ It's very easy to make. I just had to add in milk..and voila! A strawberry flavoured pudding~

     Then, Kak Diha asked us to go out with her. So at 2.30 p.m., we went to AEON (Jusco in Japan) a.k.a J.J.. It triggers memories you know..cause I used to go outing at Jusco during my school days~ huhu (I'm not a school girl anymore) We went to Daiso (100 yen shop) and I brought some stuffs for me and friends.. Then we prayed Asar in the changing room again. I'm gettin used to this method.. 

The parking lot was full with snow..
I nearly slipped..
I'm at the AEON!!

     Anyway, after that we went to a shop where they sell electrical stuffs.. I didn't buy anything though.. only Kak Diha did.. but still, I got something in my mind that I wanted to buy.. a headphone. It would be easy for me to hear song when I'm wearing my scarf (tudung). but then, there wasn't enough time so we had to go.. :( Bye bye headphone..~ We prayed at the parking lot then went on our way to AEON..

     The night went on. My sister got hungry so we decided to go back to AEON to eat. On our way back to AEON, we saw this big sign board of a shop that says 'food court'.. Happily, we went to the parking know.. "food court"?? it mean's there's food.. the weird thing was, of course there's food.. uncooked food though..*sigh. It's umm..kind of a supermarket. In Malaysia, when it says 'food court', it means there are cooked food.. I guess maybe different countries have different ways to interpret the terms..

     At AEON, we ate at a french restaurant, "Capricciosa".. we ate a crab pasta and seafood pizza..

Kak Diha (left) and my sis (right)
Me (left) and Kak Bib (right)

Crab pasta
Seafood pizza
     On our way back home, we stopped by at Kak Akmal and Kak Mek's house. They'd just moved to the new house so I was just butting in to say hello~

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