Thursday 21 June 2012

Day 3 (16/2/12)- Disney Sea Tokyo

     Today, we woke up kinda late.. we're supposed to depart at 7 (that's what my sister said) but she woke me up at 7.50 a.m. So, we reached Midoridai at 8.30 or so~ And the day continued to get worst.. I had a really BAD day..
     For a start, we got on the wrong train. So, our supposed-to-be one hour journey became a LONG two-hour journey. What a mess! We arrived at Disney Sea late.. There were loads of people and the train was sooooo cute! The whole train was full of mickey's style.. I mean, the seat and even the window was in mickey's shape.
The train
The window

     Excitedly, we went inside and went straight to 'raging spirit'..but unfortunately, we had to wait for almost two hours! And worst, it started to snow.. Well, from other's perspective (especially for someone who had never experienced winter before) would say, " Oh look! It's snowing.. Hooray!".. But at that moment, that kind of thought would be the least to appear in my mind.. Because, I was freezing to death! And that long two hours paid back when we rode it for less than 2 minutes.. How unbelievable.. To conclude, from 12 noon until almost 7 p.m., we only rode 3 rides, raging spirit, Sinbad and the storm rider. The rest, we just walked and walked! The buildings were so pretty! I love it!

Under the tree
Nice craft

Me and ma sis
Triton's Kingdom

Cute camel

Me with the tiger

Unique rocks

View at night

     The only one thing that I like about today was that the people were so nice and warm. I've been to this one bread shop but we're not so sure about the ingredients. So, my sister asked one of the workers about them. Then, the chef himself went out to meet us! My sister told him what we can't eat (pork and stuffs) and he really checked the ingredients carefully. I was so touched! He showed us one by one the things that we can eat.. and the bread was F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C.. Hmm.. I really do wish that we have this kind of work ethics in Malaysia.. Serve the customers sincerely and with a smile on their face.. Well, I'm not saying that we don't have it in Malaysia.. It's just it's rare to see this kind of situation. Some of the workers usually just take things lightly. One day, if I were to have a great job, I'll make sure to treat everyone sincerely and try my hardest to satisfy them.

Eating delicious bread.. Yumm~

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