Friday 22 June 2012

Day 5 (18/2/12)- Journey to the top~

      Today, I woke up late.. really late.. At 12 noon.. haha.. told ya (well, I slept back after the Subuh prayer of course).. I was really tired after that trip to Disneyland yesterday. For breakfast, I only ate chicken soup. It's kinda windy today and the house rattled a bit.
     Also, at about 2 p.m., the floor shuddered. My sister was praying at that time so she acted normal. And I thought," Owh, maybe it's because of the strong wind, I guess".. Only after my sister finished praying that she told me that it was a small earthquake. OMG! It was my first time experiencing something like that because Malaysia is a free earthquake zone. It only lasted for about 10 seconds and the second one happened about 15 minutes later, for only 5 seconds. Normally, people would feel scared.. but as for me, I felt grateful because it's a once in a lifetime experience! Truthfully, I did a silent prayer before, hoping that I could feel at least a small earthquake when I came to Japan, and I did. Allah has answered my prayer..
     So, today, we went out late; at about 3 or 4 p.m. We went to Kaminari-Mon, Asakusa. My sister told me that Arashi (a Japanese boy band that I liked) had a studio there but we didn't met them.. Anyway, Asakusa is a traditional town that has big temples. There were loads of small stalls where I could buy souvenirs but they closed early and I didn't have the chance to buy anything. So, I just went to the temples, took some pictures and we're off to Tokyo Tower.

At the train station
One of the stalls 

At the entrance
On the road

Pretty isn't it?
In front of the temple

     Tokyo Tower, a popular spot in Japan is located near Akabanebashi Station. We had to walk for about 10 minutes to reach there. There, we bought the tickets and went up the tower.The total height of the tower is 333 meters but we only managed to reach the half of it (I guess) because it's under construction. I bought some souvenirs up there because the things were so nice and pretty, so was the scenery.. All the lights managed to form a beautiful pattern from up there.. There's also a see-through floor! SCARY.. I'm afraid of heights, really, but I always overcome it by doing something that involves heights..,like this.. Weird huh?
Miniature TokyoTower
Pink Tokyo Tower

The beautiful view from the top
Tokyo Warm Light
    Before we went up the tower, I got the chance to eat at Baskin&Robins.. It's my first time because the price is so expensive in Malaysia.. Excitedly, I ordered strawberry ice-cream sorbet. YUMMY~
My sis
     After the tower trip, my sister got hungry so we went to a Japanese restaurant and I ate soba mee with tempura..the bowl was soo EXTRA BIG and I'm not used to eat LARGE food.. so, I did not manage to finish it.. What a waste~
Excited to first
Trying hard to finish it..
     On the way back, we went to the wrong station.. So, we reached home at 12 midnight.. Tired and sleepy.. but I can't sleep yet.. I took my shower and prayed.. So I ended sleeping at about 2.48 a.m...

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